Wednesday, June 1, 2011

iPhone Workshop and In the Snake

Writer's thought for the week: "Words are but air; the pen leaves a mark." ~ Anonymous

Author and speaker Linda Rohrbough developed an iPhone version of her workshop "Pitch Your Book".
 It has Apple's approval and is available for $3.99.

I don't have an iPhone but I attended this workshop at a writer's conference. I almost didn't go because I didn't have a book to pitch, but none of other workshops in that time slot interested me. Linda's workshop was the best one of the whole conference. She taught us a simple, effective three-step formula for talking about your book with an agent or editor. 

Conferences can be expensive and time-consuming, and I often find that I am only interested in certain parts of them. Will other iPhone apps for writers be available soon? I might just have to get an iPhone. I'm not saying conferences have no purpose. You can't ask an iPhone app questions. Well, you could, but you won't get answers. You're not networking while listening to your iPhone, and you won't get a one-on-one in-person session with an editor or agent that way either. But $3.99 for a workshop in my home or office instead of getting dressed up and driving somewhere? Sounds good to me.

In the Snake

This new ezine wants short stories for their first issue scheduled for October. All genres accepted but no explicit sexual descriptions or excessive violence. "We are very interested in stories that focus on the evolution of characters, questions of identity, and perception of self." Pays $50 per story on acceptance for one-time Web publication rights.

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