Monday, June 27, 2011

Free Copyright Webinar and Main Street Rag Call for Submissions

Writer's thought for the week: "Some say writing inspiration comes from sunny days, cuddly kittens and children romping through fields of daisies. Those people have somebody else paying the bills." ~ Karuna Eberl

Questions about copyright? The Arts Council of New Orleans web site has a free on demand 25 minute presentation on copyright. It covers the importance of registration, registering using the online eCo system, the need for work for hire agreements, derivative works, and public domain. You can listen to it here:

MAIN STREET RAG is open for submissions for three themed anthologies and a novella series.

The reading period for all four runs through 9/15/11, but will end for the anthologies as soon as they have accepted enough to fill a book.

The anthologies are:

The List: We’re looking for stories with lists in them—any kind of list, serving any purpose. We want fiction that explores how lists can help to structure or lend meaning to a story. We want to see work that examines what our habit of list-making reveals about our lives. Send us your fiction with odd, funny, heartbreaking, mundane, or mind-blowing lists.

Just Tattoos: How do tattoos haunt, hurt or give meaning to the character's story? Who wears or inks these tattoos? What defines the human body and art?

Secrets: Tell us how someone is changed by the secrets they keep; or how secrets from the past haunt the present. Pass along a secret that startles and intrigues, or show us what happens when a secret is held too tightly.

Novellas should be between 30,000 and 50,000 words.


  1. Hey, Janet! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and letting me know about this novella publisher! I REALLY appreciate it!!!! I have opened your link and read through the guidelines, and it sounds like my novella qualifies for submission there! And what a small world that the publisher is in NC!

    I will let you know what I hear back from them. I am definitely submitting my manuscript today.

    Thank you again so much! Have a great weekend! :)

  2. Hey again, Janet! I wanted to let you know that I just submitted my novella manuscript to Main Street Rag! I was excited all day about this opportunity after I read your comment on my blog this morning. Once my two little ones were asleep this evening, I could concentrate and make sure that I got my submission email just right. So thanks again - and I'll let you know when I hear back.

  3. Lauren, best of luck with your submission. Main Street Rag is a small publisher, but still a competitive market. It would be nice to keep everything in our home state.
