Sunday, October 23, 2011

Iowa Review Submission Call/Dishwater Words

Writer’s Thought for the Week: There is no greater joy than that of feeling oneself a creator. The triumph of life is expressed by creation. ~ Henri Bergson

Unsolicited manuscripts are welcome during the fall semester only--September, October, and November. The Iowa Review publishes short stories, flash fiction, graphic novels, self-contained novel excerpts, and plays; poetry of all kinds, including verse plays and longer work; and all manner of creative nonfiction, including personal essays, lyric essays, memoirs, and literary journalism. 

Pays $1.50 per line for poetry ($40 minimum) and $0.08 per word for prose ($100 minimum). They also publish 750-1,000 word reviews of book-length fiction, poetry, and nonfiction on their website.


When editing your work, watch out for "dishwater words" like "there is" or “went.” If you went somewhere, how did you go? Did you walk, saunter, fly?

Hope Clark shared her personal list of words that “tell” instead of “show” on her blog. Why not download it and add your own nemeses to the list?

1 comment:

  1. You're welcome, Toyin. Sharing is what it's all about. I've helped local writers get published, now I'm trying to help others. There's room for all of us.
